Man schiet een pijl tijdens outdoor archery tag bij Klimrijk Brabant

Bachelor party

An active bachelor party in the woods

Want to organize an active bachelor(ette) party? Our possibilities are endless. Discover our activities such as climbing, Expeditie Klimrijk and laser gaming and have the most fun bachelor(ette) day!

About organizing a bachelor party

The best activities for an active bachelor or bachelorette party can be found at Klimrijk Brabant, the possibilities are endless. During the bachelor(ette) party for example, climb the adventurous climbing course together with your friends, push your limits at Expedition Klimrijk or compete in a game of laser tag or outdoor archery tag. Choose your favorite activity or combine several activities to create a day filling program, everything is possible during your active bachelor(ette) party!

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Options and prices

At Klimrijk Brabant you have the choice of various activities. Choose from the options on the right or compose your bachelor party based on our brochure.

Did you know that by combining activities you can get a better deal? Combine 2 activities for €2,00 discount p.p. or 3 activities for €3.00 discount p.p. With the exception of Expedition Klimrijk.

For more information or to book please contact us via 088-9000360 or mail to Mention your name, phone number and when you want to come with a possible arrival time.

Bekijk alle mogelijkheden


Test your climbing skills on 1 of 5 courses, each with its own level of difficulty.




View our group outings:

Vrouw op klimwand van klimparcours bij Klimrijk Brabant
volwassenen eten en drinken op het terras bij Klimrijk Brabant

A fun friend's day

Vrouw met helm op klimwand bij klimparcours van Klimrijk Brabant

An active company outing