Vrouw op klimparcours tussen touwen in Klimrijk Brabant

Well prepared for the journey

We will soon welcome you to Klimrijk Brabant. We look forward to seeing you! On this page you will find all the practical information you need for your perfect day out.

    Vrouw loopt door een net op het klimparcours van Klimrijk Brabant

    Advice & instructions

    To ensure that all activities run as safely as possible, we have a number of advice & instructions. Read our instructions & watch the video before your arrival.

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    Man speelt djenga tijdens Expeditie Buitenjan bij Klimrijk Brabant

    Frequently Asked Questions

    In the frequently asked questions you will find many previously asked questions to us. Hopefully your question is included, if not please contact us.

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    Meisje aan het klimmen op de klimwand van het klimparcours van Klimrijk Brabant


    With the Klimrijk climbing subscription you can enjoy unlimited climbing fun all year round on the Pico Parcours, the regular climbing course or the Netten Adventure. You have already earned back this subscription with 3 visits per year!

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    Jongen en meisje op hindernis met palen op het klimparcours bij Klimrijk Brabant

    Address & route

    View the address and directions of Klimrijk Brabant in Veldhoven.

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    Jongen aan het balanceren op het Pico Parcours bij Klimrijk Brabant

    Opening hours

    Do you want to know when Klimrijk Brabant is open? View our current opening hours here.

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Good to know
To leave the Klimrijk Brabant car park with your car, you need an exit ticket. This is available at the reception in the park.

You can't climb on an empty stomach
After an adventurous climbing session you will probably be hungry. Enjoy the tastiest snacks and drinks in our forest café.

Stay informed
There is always something to do in Klimrijk Brabant, in the newsletter we share the latest updates, promotions and events in the park. Sign up for the newsletter and don't miss anything!